bDipl.-Betriebsw. Christian Dorow

Dipl.-Betriebsw. Chris­t­ian Dorow

Commercial services

and con­ti­nous busi­ness con­sult­ing for small and medi­um-sized companies:

We will sup­port you accord­ing to your needs in com­mer­cial mat­ters on an hourly or dai­ly basis in the greater Munich area.

Business Development und Marketing

Start­ing from defin­ing mar­ket­ing con­cepts, acqui­si­tion of new cus­tomers to cre­at­ing pro­fes­sion­al web presentation:

We are your com­pe­tent part­ner in mat­ters of strate­gic busi­ness devel­op­ment, effec­tive mar­ket posi­tion­ing and con­sis­tent and results-ori­en­tat­ed implementation.

Digitalisation in a breeze

We pre­pare your com­pa­ny for a dig­i­tal future! Regard­less of whether you pre­fer an inter­net-based or in-house solu­tion: we sup­port you in select­ing and set­ting up the right hard­ware and soft­ware so that every­one in your com­pa­ny has the infor­ma­tion they need at the right time and in the right place.


We togeth­er define your goals — and help you to achieve them. Month­ly or project-relat­ed prof­it and loss accounts, bud­get­ing, target/actual com­par­isons, pre­lim­i­nary and final cost­ing, but also, for exam­ple, reports on your company’s eco­log­i­cal foot­print or employ­ee sat­is­fac­tion can be used as a basis for well-found­ed decisions.

Fit­ness pro­gram for your administration!
With the right tools, we enable you to cre­ate your reg­u­lar analy­ses, cal­cu­la­tions and reports your­self at short notice, mak­ing you independent.

Your first step – mail us here:

Notice pur­suant to § 6 para. 3 + 4 of the Tax Con­sul­tan­cy Act (StBerG) and § 2 para. 1 of the Legal Ser­vices Act (RDG): We do not pro­vide tax or legal advice and do not under­take any account­ing or annu­al accounts work.